Unstoppable and Unbreakable

African proverb

A lone drop of water does no damage… but a raging river can be unstoppable.

A small stick can easily be broken… but a bundle of sticks is unbreakable.

Both are absolute truths. You can go it alone in life and business, and at times it is faster and easier.


There is also an absolute truth that if you want to go deeper and further, you must build a team, a tribe, a movement of raving fans. You must surround yourself with like-minded people.

As a corporate employee I knew this. It wasn’t about being the lone wolf. It was about collaboration and shared success. Each person on the team played an equally pivotal role in the overall success of the company. The same is true for being an entrepreneur and running a successful and thriving business.

We cannot possibly do it all alone. We depend on each other to create, build, and grow.

Imagine if you were solely responsible for bringing everything you eat from the farm to the table, and still having time to enjoy your life and grow your business. It’s not possible, and you might even say it’s ridiculous. What if you alone were responsible to supply your home with running water, electricity, and so on?  Why would you? There is no need. We have people and systems for that.

For you to do your best work, you rely on others. Building your own movement, tribe, or team is the foundation of your life and business.

There comes a time in business when you will realize (if you haven’t already), that you need help and access to experts, community, and knowledge to continue to grow personally and professionally. Or maybe it’s because you need to keep growing, but people simply don’t know who you are. Perhaps you have discovered some gaps and you know if you were given the ‘how to’, you could celebrate more often!

In order to keep growing, to do what you are called to do, to live the life you dream of over the long-term, and empower those who need you and what you offer, join other like-minded individuals. Together you will build a tribe. You will be the person who stands and leads the charge.

To live a rich and delicious life, a Frock-alicious Life, you must put yourself out there. Yes, it’s risky, scary and at times painful. But the rewards you experience are beyond imagination – the stuff we dream of, and yet at times are afraid to wish for.

We are committed to empowering 13.1 million lives, and doing so requires courageous action and commitment to being the change. To putting it all on the line, and providing access, community, knowledge and know how to those who are meant to be leaders!

I’m speaking to those who are called to be the change and are willing to stand up. To those who know that life is risky at times, but also know that when you are surrounded, you are unbreakable!

Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable!

To those of you who understand that moving from Best Kept secret to SUCCESS in life, love and business is not only about financial gain (That is only one small part of success. Without joy, love and health financial success is hollow.). It is about so much more! I invite you to join us.

So if you’re tired of navigating life all alone, join us at one of our upcoming events and let’s link arms and move the needle from Best Kept Secret to Success in Life, Love and Business!

That is what living a Frock-alicious Life is all about. It’s your time and your turn!