Is this what you want?

What do you want?

How many times have you been asked what you want only to respond with what you don’t want? The distinction between what you want and what you don’t want is one each of us must face.

If you believe in the law of attraction, then you understand the importance of stating what you want. And if you have done mindset work you know and understand that the unconscious mind is limited to primal thoughts. The “I don’t want” statement will only attract more of what you don’t want.

For this reason, deciding and committing to what you want in your life, love, and business is critical.

To cultivate what you want you must first define what that is, and then commit to do the work.

Three must do steps to achieving what you truly want:

1. Take time to write it down! Every last detail!

Define and write down your vision, lifestyle and perfect day. Your vision needs to create both excitement and trepidation for you. This requires you to discern what you truly stand for – your purpose. What sets your heart and soul on fire? Be specific.

2. Declare and share!

Telling others your ultimate vision is yet another step on your path to success in life, love, and business. Doing so creates momentum, energy and accountability. Document and share your progress monthly.

I publicly declared I was writing my memoir in 2007 and although I did not know if I would publish it, I did know is was time to write it down. Along the way I enrolled a few close friends who were tasked with asking me how it was going. Five years later, I finished and published my memoir Frock Off: Living Undisguised and life forever changed.

3. Embrace, claim and own your dream. Do the work.

Now comes the dirty but very necessary word – discipline. Desire without discipline to do the work means that nothing changes! There will always be reasons or excuses as to why you can’t carve out the time to focus on what you truly want, but it’s not true. Reasons or excuses are merely cleverly disguised dirty little lies appearing as logic. Even ten minutes a day can move you toward the life you dream.

When you combine want, will, preparation and purpose together you are unstoppable.

What do you want? What does success in life, love and business look like for you?

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