A Delicious Story of Success – From Humble Beginnings to 160 Countries!

FR Pralines

Would you like a Nutella Praline? Commonly known as a Ferrero Rocher.

What could be better than a chocolate covered hazelnut chocolate truffle, covered in a crisp coating, dipped in chocolate and rolled in nuts? Seriously?

Ferrero are masters of Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose and Repackage for BIG Results – MASTERS!   They are also masters of branding and story telling – I mean seriously, who hasn’t heard of Ferrero?  Since their humble beginnings in the small town of Alba, Italy, their products have delighted millions!

Ferrero is one of the best-known chocolate brands in the world.  Founded in 1946 by Pietro Ferrero.

Nutella, a kingpin in their product line and a much beloved staple in my household, was launched in 1964.  Today, the product is available to purchase and enjoy in 160+ countries!  Not bad for a small company that began at the end of a world war!


Just another delicious way to start the day in our house.


With the success of Nutella, Ferrero was able to expand.  In 1968 Kinder Surprise launched, then Tic Tac in 1969, and by 1980 Ferrero Rocher took the praline market by storm.

As a Breakthrough Expert who loves stories of success, this is a story I can deliciously sink my teeth into (pun intended).

Truthfully and brilliantly, Ferrero launched Ferrero Rocher (the hazelnut milk chocolate praline) using Nutella as it’s center.  Nutella had already proven itself a winner in the global marketplace, and as Seth Godin says in his book All Marketers Are Liars – it’s the story that sells. A great and engaging story, with supporting marketing materials and campaigns are all part of the delicious recipe to success. Ferrero knew this, and built their campaign accordingly. The TV commercial, “Food Of The Gods” was born.

As entrepreneurs, the lesson is as golden as the wrapper the pralines come in. Repackage, repurpose and re-market your winners.

What do you have in your offering that could be bundled, repurposed and repackaged?

Here are 3 steps to explore this option:

1. Examine your current products, programs, and services.  Dissect each component or service. Determine which can:

A. Standalone and be repurposed?

B. Be combined with another product or new product?

2. Develop a brand and build a compelling and engaging story around it.  Use Social Media, and video to create the story.  There are so many options today that allow even the most modest of budget to create and go viral.

3. Measure results and tweak as needed.

Once you have selected, tested, measured and determined your winners, rinse and repeat.

Next time you unwrap the golden wrapper of a Ferrero Rocher, before you pop the delicious chocolate praline in your mouth, remember its humble beginnings.

Here’s a picture of the many others products that stemmed from… you guessed it – Nutella!


Not sure how to repurpose, repackage and expand?  Join us at one of the live events to break through whatever gap you have, and close the loops.

Move from Best Kept Secret to SUCCESS in Life, Love and Business by going deep.

It’s your time and your turn!

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