Growth, Comfort & Mindset

Growth and Comfort

Having a child is as real as it gets. I was a young woman when I married and became a mother. Talk about growth – I remember looking down at my baby girl and thinking her life would be different. She was, at the very least, going to have a roof over her head, running water and heat. She would have food on the table and clean clothes. She would know she was loved.

At the time, I was only nineteen and I wasn’t sure how, but I was committed, ready and willing to do ANYTHING it took for her to grow up the best way possible. My son followed soon after, and again my resolve was non-negotiable. I had to provide the best I could, no matter what!

Unfortunately, I became a single mother at 22. And like many single young mothers, I had some significant challenges, but they were my challenges. I had no post-secondary education at that time, so I worked as a server for minimum wage. It often left us very tight at month end – yet I still managed to save some money.

When I was younger I had heard the way to be independent was to save at least 10% of your earnings. This was sage advice.

Since I only brought home a net $678.00 per month, I couldn’t put aside $67.80, it was too much. We still had to eat. But each month I managed to set aside $25.00. I was surprised how quickly that $25.00 turned into MUCH more!

Growing up money was elusive, and something others had. I did not want my children growing up this way. I knew that education was the key.

So at 25 I entered post-secondary. It was time to break the family cycle! It was hard work. I worked thirty hours a week, while taking a full course load and maintaining a GPA of 3.59. I had to push it! I decided again, there was no option. I had to succeed and find a career that would allow me to provide more and better for my children. Two and half years later with two diplomas, I graduated. Through it all I stayed on the dean’s list. I was committed and dedicated to learning EVERYTHING, so I could be the best.

So I worked hard – making sure my family would never go through what I did as a kid. I’m not saying that it was all rosy – it wasn’t! There were lean times, and many of them.

I knew I had to connect with like-minded people; to watch and learn from others whose pasts were different than mine. They had insights I did not. They viewed the world through different lenses. I discovered those same people even THOUGHT differently. Money wasn’t an elusive and unattainable object only for the privileged… the opposite was true. Money, like success, was plentiful and available to all who did the work, and committed to being the best.

Scarcity wasn’t their experience. For many it was abundance. This was a game changer for me! I became I addicted to learning and expanding!

Before the graduation ceremony, I landed a fabulous job. Soon I was earning more money than I could have ever hoped or dreamed. I had gone from 14k to 25K the first year, and this was during the 80’s. I was convinced we were on easy street.

With more disposable cash came more opportunities to grow and learn, and I increased my savings to 15% per month. Soon I had saved enough to put a down payment on a home!

I attribute all that I have been able to achieve to the mindset shift experienced when I connected, had access, collaborated with, learned from and claimed accountability and responsibility not only for my children, but myself. No matter how you define it, success awaits us all! We are all worthy.

And this is why I am so committed to helping others! Why we host live events – to help women in business move from Best Kept Secret to SUCCESS in Life, Love and Business. I know that we provide the access, connections, collaborations, knowledge, and accountability to move you and upgrade your level of deserving, desire and results.

And although we can’t build it for you, we will and do stand beside you! SUCCESS in life, love and business awaits you.

Join us and let’s do this thing together! It’s your time and your turn.

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