Settle for More!


How will you remember 2016? Will it be your blessing or your curse? Of late I have seen so many social media posts about how ready people are to leave 2016 behind them, implying it was a curse. And although I have witnessed many tough and trying obstacles, I have also seen great successes in all areas of life, love and business.

I know that 2016 has brought heart-wrenching challenges and heartwarming blessings, yet one does not cancel the other. And I am in no way discounting either the pain of loss or disappointment. I understand for many 2017 feels like a new shiny start.

A new year can hold a lot of hope and promise when we are ready to accept that we, too, may require a little spit and polish for things to change.

Of course, just because the date on the calendar changes does not mean we are ready to do the same. We cannot carry, ride or otherwise hold onto 2016 as the standard of what lies ahead.

The old saying that what we think about we bring about, comes into play here.

We must release what is holding us back, set free the things that no longer serve us, and set our new course.

What I know for sure is that love, joy, abundance, peace of mind and success are attracted to action, dedication, commitment, and attitude.

Right now would be an excellent time to take stock of what is working and what is not in all areas of your life. Clean the slate and create a plan that will take you where your want to go. Sometimes it takes a breakdown, to have a breakthrough.

At times, we forget that nobody arrives at the destination without a dream, a plan, persistence, ownership and a few great moments.

It’s simple, but not easy and it takes courage, grit, and fortitude to create change.

Let’s make 2017 the year you settle for MORE, not less!

If you’re ready for a breakthrough, join us at one of our upcoming events.

Settle for MORE! It’s your time!

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