A Wet Hankie? – No Thanks!

Hey does this sound like you? Are you purpose-driven, heart-centered, persistent, at times stubborn as hell, a little off center, risk taking, soul serving, and change making – and yet there is a gap between what you want and the results? Perhaps you too have discovered it’s not enough to want it!  Hell YEAH!

I so often hear people say that you have to want it… and that is true. That’s the first step. Knowing what you want, rather than what you don’t want!

But it’s much more than that. It’s not enough to want it you have to go after it, nurture it, and tend to it. You have to dream it, live it and be it! YOU damn near have to taste it!

Look, here’s some straight shooting, life-altering advice I learned the hard way and I wish I had been told much sooner.

If you’re not fired up, passionate about your life, your relationships, and your business or career you are DEAD in the water.

Yes, dead in the water because each obstacle that comes along is like another nail in the coffin; another reason to throw in the towel. Well I say Frock Off to that!

Look, you can’t make magic with a wet hankie and a soggy dream!

To live the life you dream of, you must do something drastically different and stretch.

Often I meet people who are so close to the tipping point, but instead of investing in themselves they keep doing the same thing expecting a different result. Yeah right!

You know the sinking feeling you get in the pit of your stomach? The one that says jump. It’s your inner guidance system screaming at you to do something different. Do something to shake things up, to inspire you to create a shift.

It’s not that you aren’t doing the best you know how to, it’s that you need to break free of the same old ways and fill your tank with premium fuel. You need to confront your current thinking… yes, confront! Chop the pattern to create new pathways to success.

If you’re ready to see a different result, it’s time to do something different.

And I am not talking about working harder or believing more. I know you have already done that. I did it too!

I am talking about stretching like Gumby. Stretch to the point that your toes curl – that’s commitment!

Think about this. What if what you dream of came about this minute? Are you ready? What would that look like, be like and feel like?

Perhaps you need a slight push out of the nest of comfort and sameness?

A great many of you know how my life story became my foundation and message from which I now help others grow and soar. Once I uncovered the gold it was all systems go! Was it pretty and without challenge? HELL NO! But it was so worth it!

This is an all in kind of thing. Knee deep in the trenches as we walk arm in arm declaring our place and our success – without apology or regret. These are our LIVES!

It took me years of introspective work and commitment to unlock the power of my experiences, my knowledge, and my gifts. All the while I helped others launch very successful businesses.

Today I am blessed to work with women in multiple countries, and see them soar. I developed a three-part system – a trifecta. To launch you fast and wide!


If you know it’s your time and your turn, join us at a live event to transform your life, your relationships, and your business. Move from Best Kept Secret to Success!

There is no fairy dust or magic pill, you need to roll up your sleeves and take back your life, your relationships, and your business!

Don’t get me wrong, you will have a lot of fun. You will learn new techniques to implement. You’ll connect and create long-term relationships with like-minded people who need to know you, and what you offer.

You will be moved into action and create the traction needed to measure your growth, but only if you take accountability for your outcomes.

If you’re tired of good enough, the so-so life, or worse the constant $hit storm of disappointment it’s time to do something radically different.

Look I know this is in your face without sugar to make the medicine go down, but it works and you are worth it!  What you need to know is it’s real, and it’s my responsibility and mission to help others soar! Besides, if I say nothing I am part of the problem, and I only want to be part of your solution.

Besides, what have you got to lose?

And you know there’s a cost if you do nothing. It may simply be that nothing changes, or you could be giving up your dreams, your goals, your joy, your fulfillment, your impact in the world. Enough said! Want a different result? Do something different!

To grow you have to go…

You have to get off your computer, out of your office, your business, your daily responsibilities and most important of all you have to get out of your head, and immerse yourself in possibility and success.

And get this—if you decide you are ready the results are swift and lasting!

When you join us at a live event we discover how to turn what is currently making your crazy into gold.

If you’re READY to do what needs doing, JOIN us here!

When you do, you will learn:

  • The critical three: Life, Love (relationships) and Business
  • Learn how to leverage you
  • Move to the front of the line from Best Kept Secret to Success
  • How to use your past issues and current challenges as your greatest asset and teacher!
  • Your own secret weapon to success! (Your answer lies within the challenge you currently face and will set you on the path to becoming unstoppable.
  • Implement the power of three in all areas of Life, Love and Business which will fast track you to success!
  • And more!

Myself and the other experts will share openly the tried and tested secrets that will create a trifecta of success using the power of three.

If you are wanting to dive even deeper, join us for the pre-event Mastermind VIP Session in which we will identify and address your BIG ASK.

If you are thinking… YES, YES, YES!

Go here to save your seat for the live event and the VIP Mastermind

We can’t wait to see you!

So toss that hanky and let’s do this thing!

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