What’s Your Ace?


Having returned recently from one of our events, I again noticed a common thread – worth, or lack thereof. And I found myself wondering why some moments or experiences are so pivotal in our lives, that we forever accept them as truth, even when they’re holding us back and keeping us stuck.

Think of life like a game of rummy. To succeed we need to remember the rules:

  1. Have a strategy.
  2. Pay attention to what’s being discarded – every card.
  3. Always be thinking ahead to your next move.
  4. Play it cool no matter what’s in your hand.
  5. Hold your cards for the maximum possible impact.
  6. If you miss something don’t be obvious.
  7. Each hand is a new beginning.
  8. See all the possibilities.
  9. Understand and know the rules of engagement.
  10. Don’t lose sight of the big picture.

Which leads me back to wondering why some people recover from bad hands, while others don’t. Do we feel as though it is the only hand we will ever be dealt; as though it is forever the best we will get? Is that what makes us accept and settle?

Since when is it ever okay to settle – to live the good enough life, to take what’s leftover, to leave our dreams tucked safely in the closet or in the dresser drawer under the liner, as though the very act of being seen would be too much? NEVER!

We all deserve more than that – much more!

In life we need to play our hand, think ahead and see the possibilities in our cards. That’s how we unearth, unleash, and untangle our BIG why!

And when we discover our why… we need to run like hell with it, living each moment with conviction and a knowing that we’ve got this thing. No. Matter. What!

Hell Yeah!

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