Start Living Today! Detox the past!

Frock Off Beacon of lightBecause sometimes, a song like a picture says so much – very few words are needed.

No matter the challenge I have always known there is light at the end of the tunnel.

At times the circumstances were so overwhelming that I felt broken. Yet time does fade the memories.

The truth is we must break out of the sadness, the challenge, the pain and the story.

Our past does not determine our destiny.

There is freedom in letting go. Such fabulous, frock-alicious, fantastic freedom.

What can you let go of right now?

Be your own superhero and let go of the past.

Become a beacon of light for others. Let your life be your message.

Start living today… it’s a new beginning… fly like a cannonball.

Much love! Jo Dibblee


If you have ever felt like this?  Let go and reclaim your happiness.

We choose how we live each day. In Frock Off: Living Undisguised I share the story of being a witness in a murder investigation and the terror I lived for over 35 years.  Yet I never gave up hope even in the bleakest of moments.  Continue to inspire others by your actions! Frock Off: Living Undisguised Frock Off: Living Undisguised