Sometimes life is stinky!

Medals BpcwIkwIQAAaskN.jpg largeYesterday as I was packing for our pending move I discovered something I thought I had lost in one of my 49 moves.

There they were, stuffed deep in a box, tangled and tucked under a bunch of old papers – some of the many medals I had acquired over the years – for the marathons and the countless triathlons I had participated in. Quickly the memories of races gone by flooded my mind – each race began with the same promise and hope.

And you know what -those races, as tough as they were, built my confidence. Every time I crossed a finish line I was given a medal. And although everyone receives a medal, it was a such a feeling of joy and accomplishment.

A marathon or any kind of race is simply a measurement.  If you cross the finish line you are awarded with a medal.  For the majority of runners it’s about finishing the race.  And although I desperately wanted to qualify for the Boston Marathon (I came so close so many times) – I didn’t hit the magic number.  That said,  I was thrilled to cross the line each and every time and receive my medal no matter the time.

Running 26 miles takes guts, courage, strength, determination, fortitude, a belief in the body to preform and maybe , just maybe, a little bit of hutzpa because running a marathon is somewhat crazy and yet so enticing.  Just knowing I could run 26.2 miles or 42 kms was so empowering.   In many ways running a marathon is like life. When you stand for truth you may stand

We begin fresh, shiny, smelling good and full of promise and throughout life we encounter tough parts and sometimes we’re even a little stinky. But if we dare to live the life we imagined – the life we dreamed when we were younger – it is pure gold.

Life rewards us with medals of  abundance, joy, health, peace, prosperity and wild success.  Sure there will be times it will be challenging – anything worth doing is – but the amazing rewards are so worth it.

I am glad I ran my many races they empowered me to keep believing anything was possible.

These days I derive the same satisfaction, accomplishment and joy by  standing for others and being the change I am seeking in the world.

What brings you joy and confidence?

Is it time you lived the life you imagined? Time you claim your rewards. If you are ready – join us in September.

Sometimes we are so busy doing for others we forget to serve ourselves …Lisa did, do you?  Click here: Can you relate to Lisa?

Full details at A Frock-alicious Life

Until next time, stay inspired to live the life you dream!