Everything is Everything…or is it?

Everything is Everything

Everything is everything. Translation – it’s all good or it is as it is.

No it’s not. Not all the time!

How often do we say it’s all good, fine or okay when really what we feel is beaten up, freaked out, isolated or overwhelmed?

I believe that when we state falsely, we lie to ourselves. We chip away at our integrity and resiliency. I am not a fan of fake till you make it for the obvious reason that if one of your core values is truth and integrity, then faking it till you make it is out of alignment.

Everything is not everything – every day! It’s impossible to always be joyful and filled with gratitude and possibility, no matter how positive we are.

In the meantime, take solace in the good news that when the sun shines again after what feels like a torrential storm in life, relationships, or business we gain clarity and perspective. And with the clarity the sun shines a little brighter.

While, at times, the lines can get blurry between where you are at and what you desire, taking action to move you forward is the one thing you can do.

I am not suggesting you broadcast your struggles to the world, not at all. I am suggesting you choose your words intentionally, ALWAYS look for the silver lining, and remember to learn the lessons.

So that when everything is everything it shows in all areas of your life and business.

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