Hey, Was That You Driving?

Historically, we as women have been taught to take a back seat to our desires, dreams, and goals to first serve others.

Here’s the truth:  As long as you stay in the back seat, you can’t drive the bus.  Those big dreams you have… like writing, publishing your story, sharing your message, seeing the wonders of the world, or rocking your business to seven figures without selling your soul – CAN’T HAPPEN!

Perhaps you don’t realize the gravity of this.  Perhaps you can’t see why it matters.  You may be asking yourself why this crazy woman (i.e. me) is nagging at you so often to change your ways.  You may not realize it yet, but it matters more than you know!  YOUR life, your best life, can’t wait!

You see, when you STAND UP and step into what is possible for you – when you get uncomfortable in your skin, you shed what has held you back.

It’s possible that you’re not sure if you’re ready.  Hey, I’ve been there.  I know how scary it is to actually say YES to yourself!  But trust me, the more uncomfortable you are with putting yourself first, the bigger the results will be.

As you likely know by now, we help people shed all that has held them back during our live events.  We help you STAND UP and STEP INTO your life and see the success you deserve!

However, we know that many of you can’t join us in person for a variety of reasons.  Yet we also know how important this work is.  When you stand up and step into your life, you create ripples of transformation for you and everyone around you.

So many of you have asked me to come to your city and host A Frock-alicious Life™ event.  For that I am honored.  Unfortunately, logistically it isn’t always possible.

What is possible is us connecting via technology and community.  In fact, you inspired me to step into my own life, leave my comfort zone, and develop a program that will serve you from the comfort of your home or office!

With this new online program, I’m on a mission to empower those who are tired of waiting.  It’s time for you to move to the driver’s seat and take the wheel.  Just imagine the freedom, and the amazing new perspective that comes with really saying yes to YOU!

Stay tuned for more details of this exciting new program in the coming weeks.