Best Kept Secret to Success San Diego

Best Kept Secret to Success in Life, Love & Business – San Diego November 9th & 10th, 2018

If you are a smart, passionate and driven entrepreneur or small business owner who has big plans to push your business and life forward. If you are determined to live the life you’ve dreamed of, and see wild success in your business.

If you are tired of being the best kept secret in spite of all you do.

Then this event is for you!

Best Kept Secret to Success events provide access, connection, clarity, community, collaboration, knowledge and resources to entrepreneurs who are passionate, driven, and ready for change in their life, love and business. What makes these events different is that they ensure accountability, implementation and results before, during and after attending. This is not shelf help, it’s a hands-on two-day event that will cut through obstacles and inspire real change.

Information shared will fuel your business and life for deep lasting change. You will leave ignited and recharged, with a plan in-hand to ensure you continue to take the steps to live your Frock-alicious life.

The presenters are a comprehensive group of business and personal development experts. Each presentation is specifically designed to serve a different area of your life, business, and interpersonal relationships.

San Diego, California


This event proudly supports:

Because I am a Girl

Little Warriors


Interested in speaking at an upcoming Frock-alicious Live Event? Apply below.

apply now

Why Attend? Are you:

  • Tired of settling for good enough and know it’s your time?
  • Ready to live fully, on purpose, and with passion, and to see the wild success you so deserve?
  • Exhausted from doing the same old things and getting the same old results?
  • Frustrated because you know it doesn’t have to be this hard, yet you don’t know what else to do?
  • Needing to be with like-minded people who share your goals and desires to live a life far bigger?
  • Longing to be the change you want to see implemented in our world?
  • Ready to create a lifestyle and/or business that you love?
  • Heart-centered in all you do, and know you need to live to your full potential and live your legacy now?

If you answered YES to three or more of these questions – these programs are perfect for you. It’s time!

Event Details

What to Expect

  • This highly interactive event provides a step-by-step system to activate your Frock-alicious Life immediately. Throughout the event, you will complete your very own Frock-alicious Life Plan. YOU will need to roll up your sleeves and work, right along with us. This is your life, and it requires you to play full on.
  • As women who understand what it means to bounce forward and reclaim life, the speakers are here to serve you the how and why of living frock-alicious. Each speaker will deliver three key action steps that you can apply to your life immediately. All of our caring and accessible presenters are committed to seeing you succeed, before and after the conference.
  • Pre and post event engagement with A Frock–alicious Life is Calling Facebook Community. We want to get to know you long before you arrive at the event.
  • Plenty of “a-ha” moments – so many that you’ll need to pace yourself.
  • Off-the-charts inspiration.
  • Tools to help you feel prepared and powerful when you go home.

Jo Dibblee

About Jo Dibblee

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jo Dibblee, and I am your Frock Master, Hostess, and Founder of Frock Off Inc. My inspiration for this event comes from living in hiding for 35 years. I was a key witness in a murder investigation. Out of necessity I wore frocks of protection. I lived in disguise; not even those closest to me knew the real story. I was successful, and acknowledged for the good work I did. I even won international awards! Yet I lived in constant fear of being discovered.

In 2013 I went public with my story through my book, Frock Off: Living Undisguised, and I was featured on national television. I wanted to help women and children who had been in traumatic situations, yet I very quickly realized that the need was much greater. Many more successful, professional women portrayed success on the outside, but told me they felt like impostors. Most of these women felt paralyzed, and couldn’t take the leaps they really wanted in their lives and businesses. I knew I needed to provide the resources to these women too, and hence Frock-alicious Life events were born.

We are going to walk you through exactly what is needed to live A Frock-alicious Life. I did it after decades of hiding and living in fear, and today my life is Frock-alicious. I have the privilege of working with thought leaders and game changers and being the change I am seeking in the world, while raising much needed funds for worthy not-for-profits.

My Mission:

“To touch 13.1 million hearts: By unleashing the collective voices of women through access to knowledge, connection and resources so that they live the life they dream and see unprecedented success in business and be the voice for those whose voices have been silenced. Creating systemic change in lives, communities and the world by tapping into true purpose and calling. Celebrating joy, growth and success!

Because you matter and it’s YOUR time and YOUR turn. Choose you. I offer you the best of all I have to inspire you to choose you too.

I’m so grateful to be a part of the Frock-alicious event and team and thrilled to be connected with such a purposeful group of women. It was so heartwarming to see the level of giving and receiving at the Frock-alicious event. There was an openness of sharing that isn’t often experienced at a business event. The speakers were so inspirational and generous. Seeing what they have achieved shows that anything is possible when you follow your heart and soul. ~ Lynn Robinson, Life Without Regrets

Speaker & Presenter Details to be Announced

A Frock-alicious Life is calling you!

Frock Off is a memoir about the power of blind optimism in the face of adversity, abject poverty, tragedy, neglect, rejection, assault and betrayal.
Frock Off

About the Author Jo Dibblee was her mother’s first born and her father’s tenth. Born in Fort St., John British Columbia, she grew up on the move...
About Jo-Ann Vacing

Community & Causes Our mission is to ensure we impact our community by creating a safe place to remove frocks and live the life intended.

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